Why Developers Hate Low Code. And why they shouldn't
8 min

Why Developers Hate Low Code. And why they shouldn't

Alex Demeshko
Alex Demeshko
September 29, 2023

Low-Code development platforms have been garnering attention and gaining significant traction over the years. Offering the promise of higher efficiency, streamlined application development processes, and a fortified bridge between IT departments and business ecosystems, low-code platforms have emerged as powerful tools in the fast-paced digital world. However, despite their potential and growing popularity, there remains a wave of resistance to low-code platforms within a specific professional community - software developers. The reasons behind such resistance vary, and in some cases, are fueled by misconceptions and misunderstanding.

An Analysis of the Common Objections

image of a software developer deep in thought

It's essential to delve into the common objections raised by software developers to highlight why these might be unfounded. The concerns are often rooted in several challenges and perceived threats that low-code platforms might impose on their workflows and professional prowess.

Developers Hate Doing ‘Primitive’ Tasks

The visual-driven, drag-and-drop interfaces distinctively characterize most low-code platforms. This feature enables a user to build an application visually, using pre-existing and simple to use elements, thereby reducing manual, code-based tasks. A frequent argument from developers is that these tasks are rudimentary, too linear, and should ideally be automated, leaving them free to focus on highly skilled coding tasks. The apparent simplicity of tasks offered by low-code platforms is perceived as an affront to their skills.

However, consider the vast amounts of time highlighting, copying, pasting, and moving around lines of code, which could be saved by using low-code for these more routine tasks. This precious time could be devoted to solving more critical or complex problems, thereby increasing productivity, and arguably, job satisfaction.

Low-Code Stifles Professional Growth

software developer

Another significant objection is the fear of stagnation. Developers are concerned that frequent use of low-code platforms could limit their ability to grow, learn new technologies, frameworks, languages, or hone their existing skills. The potential comfort zone that low-code platforms could create is seen as a threat to their professional growth.

However, this argument overlooks the reality of the diverse range of non-technical skills that developers can cultivate while using low-code platforms. Skills such as relational, integrational, operational, logic formulation, and solution architecting can be competently honed while delivering end-to-end solutions with low code. Additionally, low-code platforms can motivate developers to focus on mastering software architecture design or business process automation, which can be significant for career advancement.

Low-Code Technology is Fleeting

The idea that low-code is a fleeting trend is also a misconception that discourages developers from embracing these platforms. Many developers fear that investing time and energy in learning low-code could be a waste if the technology is replaced by the next big thing in the tech world.

This argument, however, is not supported when one looks at the increasing adoption and utility of low-code platforms. These tools address a clearly defined, growing business need for increased agility, efficiency, and productivity. Market trends, studies, and expert forecasts all indicate otherwise and suggest that low-code platforms are here to stay, and their relevance will only grow.

Artificial Intelligence will Replace Low-Code

Another myth that prevails among developers is that AI technologies will soon render low-code platforms redundant. It is indeed true that AI has the potential to automate many of the tasks currently done by developers, such as debugging, coding standard maintenance, and even some level of program writing. This prompts the question, "Why should anyone bother with low-code if AI is advancing so rapidly?"

However, as sophisticated as AI is, the sheer complexity and nuance of application development continue to require the insight, creativity, and adaptability of a human developer. For now and the foreseeable future, the creative human input into software development, which includes understanding the business requirements, architecting the solution, thinking through the user interface, and ensuring the desired user experience, cannot be replaced by AI. Hence, low-code is unlikely to be phased out due to AI advancement.

Low-Code is for Non-Essential Tasks

person in white and black striped top using MacBook

There is also the argument that low-code platforms are used for trivial, non-business-critical, mundane tasks. This perspective stems from the belief that serious, mission-critical applications cannot be developed using low-code, and hence low-code users are relegated to working on minor jobs.

This perception is not supported by the reality of modern low-code platforms. Nowadays, engineers who use low-code can and do work closely with businesses and address real-world, mission-critical use cases that add business value. By taking an active role in business automation and digital transformation tasks, developers can increase their importance and visibility within their organization, improving their professional standing and opportunities.


In summary, while low-code platforms may have some limitations, the advantages of accelerated development, increased agility, cost-effectiveness, and broader, more valuable skill sets far outweigh the potential downsides. Instead of dismissing low-code platforms out of hand, developers should view them as an opportunity to enhance their skill set, increase their marketability and contribute more strategically to their organizations.

For the software development landscape to thrive and for developers to remain on the cutting edge, adopting and integrating low-code platforms can no longer be an optional step. For developers, this is an ideal time to re-evaluate low-code platforms, dispel the myths and objections, and help drive their organization's progress to a new, more efficient era of application development.

For more insights into the world of low-code development and how it's reshaping the software development landscape, check out our informative articles on Low-Code Platforms and Drag and Drop UI Builders.

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